The Central Weather Bureau could issue a sea warning for Tropical Storm
"Fanapi" today -- as it continues to move in an northwesterly direction
towards Taiwan.
The storm is currently located approximately 700-kilometers east of the
Olunpi - at the island's southern most tip.
The storm has now slowed .. and is moving at speeds averaging 3-kilometers an hour.
The bureau says it expects the storm to become stronger on Saturday.
If it continues on it current path - "Fanapi" - could make landfall on the
east coast between Yilan and Hualien sometime Sunday.
Xinchu City has won the rights to host the Taiwan Pavilion from the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
The city government paid 458.88-million N-T dollars to win the bidding process.
Xinchu's bid was the highest of four other city's and county's also hoping to host the Pavilion.
The pavilion is valued at 700-million N-T dollars and is expected to generate
more than 6-billion N-T dollars in revenue for the city.
The pavilion will be dismantled after the Expo closes on October 31-st and
will be shipped back to Xinchu for reassembly.
2010年8月25日 星期三
ICRT 0826
Premier Wu Dun-yi says the government does not have any time frame for
raising public-sector wages ... or offering bigger year-end bonuses.
Wu is dismissing a media report that said the Executive Yuan is working on a
plan to pay an extra half-month's salary in year-end bonuses to military
personnel, civil servants and public school teachers.
According to Wu, whether the government considers any rise in public-sector
wages will depend on the country's economic performance in the second half of
this year and the first half of next year.
The premier added that since the government still has to rely on borrowing to
make ends meet in the coming year ... there is no plan to adjust wages or
consider changes to bonuses.
raising public-sector wages ... or offering bigger year-end bonuses.
Wu is dismissing a media report that said the Executive Yuan is working on a
plan to pay an extra half-month's salary in year-end bonuses to military
personnel, civil servants and public school teachers.
According to Wu, whether the government considers any rise in public-sector
wages will depend on the country's economic performance in the second half of
this year and the first half of next year.
The premier added that since the government still has to rely on borrowing to
make ends meet in the coming year ... there is no plan to adjust wages or
consider changes to bonuses.
2010年8月17日 星期二
ICRT 0818
Residents of Mai-liao Township in Yunlin County are continuing to blockade a
Formosa Plastic Group's petrochemical plant.
Several hundred protesters are currently at the site.
They are blocking three roads leading to the plant in protest over what they
are calling "inadequate compensation" for two fires at the plant last month.
The township residents say the 500-million N-T dollars offered as
compensation by the Formosa Plastic Group fails to take into consideration a
decade of pollution.
This is the second day residents of Mai-liao Township have held protests
outside the plant.
Seven people were arrested after minor scuffles yesterday, but they were all
later released without charge.
Formosa Plastic Group's petrochemical plant.
Several hundred protesters are currently at the site.
They are blocking three roads leading to the plant in protest over what they
are calling "inadequate compensation" for two fires at the plant last month.
The township residents say the 500-million N-T dollars offered as
compensation by the Formosa Plastic Group fails to take into consideration a
decade of pollution.
This is the second day residents of Mai-liao Township have held protests
outside the plant.
Seven people were arrested after minor scuffles yesterday, but they were all
later released without charge.
2010年7月28日 星期三
2010年7月26日 星期一
2010年7月12日 星期一
The GeForce GTX 460 is the most elegant and refined graphics card we've seen in years. It's powerful, but that power has been skillfully tamed so that it runs cool and practically silent. It's the graphics equivalent of a stealth fighter: fast as Hell but you won't even know it's there.
2010年6月29日 星期二
2010 6/15 台場 (下篇)
1.山手線(新橋站) --> 百合海鷗號
百合海鷗號到台場之後如果要去很多地方, 建議買一日券, 只要800, 不然日本電車就像我們的捷運一上去都有基本消費(台北捷運20), 可以先規劃要去哪裡決定要不要買一日券, 既然來這了很難不全部給他走透透!
船本身有時刻表, 最好跟淺草的行程排在一起, 中途還可以去濱灕宮拍拍照, 到了台場之後還是要有交通工具移動, 免費公車就是要等, 不想等太久就還是百合海鷗號
到處打廣告, 不過沒坐過, 因為還要從有明上車有點麻煩
本次自由行倒數第二個賣場, 後面是有名的富士電視台, 電視台後面可以拍Zeppo的摩天輪中間沒有遮蔽物!
電視台本身就是一個景點, 上面有球型展望台還有一些日劇拍攝的資料, 樓梯走上去還有賣電視劇相關的東西,我的食蛇獴就是在這邊買的!
Hard to say I love you. 看完之後的感想是: 北川又用黃金陣容編了出鳥尾的戲
2010年6月19日 星期六
2010 6/13 原宿 表參道 涉谷 惠比壽 新宿
2010年6月17日 星期四
2010 6/12 池袋
這次班機是長榮BR2198去, BR2195回, 晚回的問題是到台灣拿完行李已經pm10:55了
skyliner忘了講要"reserved"所以便宜了920, 但是多了20分鐘才到日幕里, 正常票價是1920
BR2195回台灣高鐵很難趕上pm11:25那班, 所以就利用機場接送讓自己輕鬆一點
skyliner忘了講要"reserved"所以便宜了920, 但是多了20分鐘才到日幕里, 正常票價是1920
BR2195回台灣高鐵很難趕上pm11:25那班, 所以就利用機場接送讓自己輕鬆一點
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